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Drug Interactions: Review

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CYP3A4-associated food drug interactions: the impact of combined intake of alprazolam with cranberry and pomegranate juice treating anxiety caused by kidney stones.

Narasappa, Kotresh Kuruba, Kadiri, Sunil Kumar, Tiwari, Prashant, Bindigi, Ramanagowda, Kumar, Merugumolu Vijay
One Health Bulletin 2024. 4(2):55-59. 28 ref.

Nephrolithiasis is a common disease and incurs a significant burden on the health care system globally. Patients with kidney stones can be treated with natural remedy such as cranberry, pomegranate, and grape juice. Patients with kidney stone experience anxiety and insomnia as a result of the pain caused by the stones. As a result, physicians may prescribe anxiolytics to treat anxiety, among which alprazolam is a commonly prescribed medication. Meanwhile, cranberry and pomegranate juice are prescribed by many herbal specialists for the treatment of renal calculi. The enzyme CYP3A4 primarily metabolizes alprazolam, while fruit juices such as cranberry and pomegranate juices are potent inhibitors of CYP3A4. Therefore, there could be a drug-food interaction between alprazolam and cranberry and pomegranate juices when consumed concomitantly. A detailed pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic investigation is required to ascertain the food-drug interaction between alprazolam, cranberry, and pomegranate juice to avoid the possible toxicity of alprazolam. This review article provides insights about the possible CYP3A4-associated drug interactions between alprazolam and juices of cranberry and pomegranate, for the safe and effective usage of alprazolam in treating anxiety disorders caused by kidney stones.

Do dietary interventions exert clinically important effects on the bioavailability of β-lactam antibiotics? A systematic review with meta-analyses

Wiesner A, Zagrodzki P, Paśko P
J Antimicrob Chemother. 2024 Apr 2;79(4):722-757. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkae028. PMID: 38334389

Background: Managing drug-food interactions may help to achieve the optimal action and safety profile of β-lactam antibiotics.

Methods: We conducted a systematic review with meta-analyses in adherence to PRISMA guidelines for 32 β-lactams. We included 166 studies assessing the impact of food, beverages, antacids or mineral supplements on the pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters or PK/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) indices.

Results: Eighteen of 25 β-lactams for which data on food impact were available had clinically important interactions. We observed the highest negative influence of food (AUC or Cmax decreased by >40%) for ampicillin, cefaclor (immediate-release formulations), cefroxadine, cefradine, cloxacillin, oxacillin, penicillin V (liquid formulations and tablets) and sultamicillin, whereas the highest positive influence (AUC or Cmax increased by >45%) for cefditoren pivoxil, cefuroxime and tebipenem pivoxil (extended-release tablets). Significantly lower bioavailability in the presence of antacids or mineral supplements occurred for 4 of 13 analysed β-lactams, with the highest negative impact for cefdinir (with iron salts) and moderate for cefpodoxime proxetil (with antacids). Data on beverage impact were limited to 11 antibiotics. With milk, the extent of absorption was decreased by >40% for cefalexin, cefradine, penicillin G and penicillin V, whereas it was moderately increased for cefuroxime. No significant interaction occurred with cranberry juice for two tested drugs (amoxicillin and cefaclor).

Conclusions: Factors such as physicochemical features of antibiotics, drug formulation, type of intervention, and patient's health state may influence interactions. Due to the poor actuality and diverse methodology of included studies and unproportionate data availability for individual drugs, we judged the quality of evidence as low.

Food-Drug Interactions Precipitated by Fruit Juices other than Grapefruit Juice: An Update Review.

Chen M; Zhou SY; Fabriaga E; Zhang PH; Zhou Q.
Journal of Food & Drug Analysis. 26(2S):S61-S71

This review addressed drug interactions precipitated by fruit juices other than grapefruit juice based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Literature was identified by searching PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus and Web of Science till December 30 2017. Among 46 finally included RCTs, six RCTs simply addressed pharmacodynamic interactions and 33 RCTs studied pharmacokinetic interactions, whereas seven RCTs investigated both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions. Twenty-two juice-drug combinations showed potential clinical relevance. The beneficial combinations included orange juice-ferrous fumarate, lemon juice-99mTc-tetrofosmin, pomegranate juice-intravenous iron during hemodialysis, cranberry juice-triple therapy medications for H. pylori, blueberry juice-etanercept, lime juice-antimalarials, and wheat grass juice-chemotherapy. The potential adverse interactions included decreased drug bioavailability (apple juice-fexofenadine, atenolol, aliskiren; orange juice-aliskiren, atenolol, celiprolol, montelukast, fluoroquinolones, alendronate; pomelo juice-sildenafil; grape juice-cyclosporine), increased bioavailability (Seville orange juice-felodipine, pomelo juice-cyclosporine, orange-aluminum containing antacids). Unlike furanocoumarin-rich grapefruit juice which could primarily precipitate drug interactions by strong inhibition of cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme and P-glycoprotein and thus cause deadly outcomes due to co-ingestion with some medications, other fruit juices did not precipitate severely detrimental food-drug interaction despite of sporadic case reports. The extent of a juice-drug interaction may be associated with volume of drinking juice, fruit varieties, type of fruit, time between juice drinking and drug intake, genetic polymorphism in the enzymes or transporters and anthropometric variables. Pharmacists and health professionals should properly screen for and educate patients about potential adverse juice-drug interactions and help minimize their occurrence. Much attention should be paid to adolescents and the elderly who ingest medications with drinking fruit juices or consume fresh fruits during drug treatment. Meanwhile, more researches in this interesting issue should be conducted.

Cranberry juice ingestion and clinical drug-drug interaction potentials; review of case studies and perspectives.

Srinivas NR
J Pharm Pharm Sci 16(2):289-303

Cranberry juice is a popular beverage with many health benefits. It has anthocyanins to supplement dietary needs. Based on in vitro evidence cranberry juice is an inhibitor of CYP enzymes and at higher amounts as potent as ketoconazole (CYP3A) and fluconazole (CYP2C9). There is, however, a discrepancy between in vitro and in vivo observations with respect to a number of substrates (cyclosporine, warfarin, flurbiprofen, tizanidine, diclofenac, amoxicillin, ceflacor); with the exception of a single report on midazolam, where there was a moderate increase in the AUC of midazolam in subjects pre-treated with cranberry juice. However, another study questions the clinical relevancy of in vivo pharmacokinetic interaction between cranberry juice and midazolam. The controversy may be due to a) under in vitro conditions all anthocyanin principles may be available to have a concerted effort in CYP inhibition; however, limited anthocyanin principles may be bioavailable with varying low levels in the in vivo studies; b) a faster clearance of the active anthocyanin principles under in vivo conditions may occur, leading to low threshold levels for CYP inhibition; c) efficient protein binding and/or rapid tissue uptake of the substrate may have precluded the drug availability to the enzymes in the in vivo studies. With respect to pharmacodynamic aspects, while the debate continues on the issue of an interaction between warfarin and cranberry juice, the summation of the pharmacodynamics data obtained in patients and healthy subjects from different prospectively designed and controlled clinical trials does not provide overwhelming support for the existence of a pharmacodynamic drug interaction for normal cranberry juice ingestion. However, it is apparent that consumption of large quantities of cranberry juice (about 1-2 L per day) or cranberry juice concentrates in supplements for an extended time period (>3-4 weeks) may temporally alter the effect of warfarin. Therefore, the total avoidance of cranberry juice by warfarin users may not be warranted by the published studies. However, in certain situations of higher intake of cranberry juice or concentrate there may be a need to monitor both warfarin doses and its effect.

Cranberry Juice and Warfarin: When Bad Publicity Trumps Science

Zikria J, Goldman R, Ansell J
Am J Med 123(5):384-92

Based on anecdotal reports, the question of whether cranberry juice interacts with warfarin has been raised. This article discusses the potential mechanism, and systematically reviews case reports as well as clinical trials examining the possible interaction. We systematically searched MEDLINE via PubMed, and the Cochrane Library database. Fifteen case reports were summarized, including the initial unpublished brief reports to the Committee on Safety of Medicines and the subsequent 6 published case reports. Seven clinical trials were analyzed, including 3 studies using warfarin and 4 surrogate drugs. Only 2 cases had a validation scale suggesting a "probable" interaction, but even in these patients there were many reasons to question the validity of a relevant drug interaction. Randomized clinical trials and surrogate markers found no evidence to support the interaction between cranberry juice and warfarin. Because the moderate consumption of cranberry juice does not affect anticoagulation, we encourage the reexamination of initial warnings based on scientific evidence. We conclude that the initial precautionary warnings by administrating bodies are limited to anecdotal case reports and represent misleading conclusions.

Warfarin-herb interactions: a review and study based on assessment of clinical case reports in literature

Patel JA, Gohil KJ, Garrido G
BLACPMA 7(2):85-99

The potential risk of herb drug interactions is of particular focus today owing to the increasing and inadvertent use of herbs in recent times. It is a major safety concern for the drugs with narrow therapeutic index like warfarin, a most common anticoagulant with the maximum number of interactions reported. The objective of the present study was to conduct a systemic review of literature to consolidate the clinical case reports of warfarin–herb interactions and to assess the report reliabilities. We reviewed the published clinical literature to consolidate and
assess the interactions between various herbs and warfarin, based on reported adverse events, descriptions of the clinical case reports and case series using electronic databases as well as hand picked references from the year 1971 to year 2007 and ranked them on likely causality
using Naranjo’s algorithm. Out of 72 cases of documented case reports of warfarin with various herbs, 84.7% cases were evaluated as possible interactions (61/72) and 15.3% cases (11/72) as probable interactions. Cranberry juice was most commonly involved in interactions with warfarin with 34.7% of cases (25/72) of which 92% cases were possible interactions (23/25) and 8% cases (2/25) were probable
interactions. Hence, we conclude that combining anticoagulant medicines with herbs appears to be a risky proposition. The number of herbs reported to interact with warfarin continues to expand. Patients on warfarin are specifically advised to avoid taking herbal medicines or to
have their INR measured within two weeks of starting the drug, to be on a safer side. Further, more systematic studies pertaining to warfarin herb interactions are urgently warranted.

Interaction between warfarin and cranberry juice

Aston JL, Lodolce AE, Shapiro NL
Pharmacotherapy 26(9):1314-9

Warfarin is extensively used for anticoagulation to a target international normalized ratio of 2.0-3.0 for most indications or 2.5-3.5 for high-risk indications; however, many drugs and dietary supplements induce fluctuations in the international normalized ratio. Such fluctuations may lead to therapeutic failure or bleeding complications. Cranberry juice is increasingly used for the prevention and adjunctive treatment of urinary tract infections. The United Kingdom's Committee on Safety of Medicines has alerted clinicians to a potential interaction between warfarin and cranberry juice and has advised that patients avoid their concurrent use. Review and analysis of the literature revealed that ingestion of large volumes of cranberry juice destabilize warfarin therapy. Small amounts of juice are not expected to cause such an interaction. Clinicians should be aware of this potential interaction and monitor and counsel patients accordingly.

Interaction potential between cranberry juice and warfarin

Pham DQ, Pham AQ
Am J Health Syst Pharm 64(5):490-4

PURPOSE: The interaction potential between warfarin and cranberry juice is discussed.

SUMMARY: Reports from the United Kingdom have raised concern over the interaction potential between cranberry juice and warfarin. Warfarin is the most commonly prescribed oral medication for anticoagulation therapy. Cranberry juice is a flavonoid, which has been shown to induce, inhibit, or act as a substrate for the biosynthesis of several cytochrome P-450 (CYP) isoenzymes. Specifically, cranberry juice may inhibit the activity of CYP2C9, the primary isoenzyme involved in the metabolism of S-warfarin. A search of the medical literature identified three peer-reviewed case reports and two peer-reviewed, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials using metabolic surrogates of warfarin (flurbiprofen and cyclosporine) that described possible interactions between cranberry juice and warfarin. Two case reports suggested that cranberry juice increased the International Normalized Ratio (INR) of patients taking warfarin, but neither clearly identified cranberry juice as the sole cause of INR elevation. One case report appeared to show a correlation between the effects of cranberry juice and warfarin metabolism. Both clinical trials indicated the lack of an interaction between cranberry juice and CYP isoenzymes 2C9 and 3A, both of which are necessary in warfarin metabolism. More studies are required to determine the potential interaction between cranberry juice and warfarin.

CONCLUSION: The available data do not seem to show a clinically relevant interaction between cranberry juice and warfarin; however, patients taking warfarin with cranberry juice should be cautioned about the potential interaction and monitored closely for INR changes and signs and symptoms of bleeding.

Enhancing health benefits of berries through phenolic antioxidant enrichment: focus on cranberry.`

Vattem DA, Ghaedian R, Shetty K
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 14(2):120-30

Emerging epidemiological evidence is increasingly pointing to the beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables in managing chronic and infectious diseases. These beneficial effects are now suggested to be due to the constituent phenolic phytochemicals having antioxidant activity. Cranberry like other fruits is also rich in phenolic phytochemicals such as phenolic acids, flavonoids and ellagic acid. Consumption of cranberry has been historically been linked to lower incidences of urinary tract infections and has now been shown to have a capacity to inhibit peptic ulcer-associated bacterium, Helicobacter pylori. Isolated compounds from cranberry have also been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Recent evidence suggests the ability of phytochemical components in whole foods in being more effective in protectively supporting human health than compared to isolated individual phenolic phytochemicals. This implies that the profile of phenolic phytochemicals determines the functionality of the whole food as a result of synergistic interaction of constituent phenolic phytochemicals. Solid state bioprocessing using food grade fungi common in Asian food cultures as well as cranberry phenolic synergies through the addition of functional biphenyls such as ellagic acid and rosmarinic acid along with processed fruit extracts have helped to advance these concepts. These strategies could be further explored to enrich cranberry and cranberry products with functional phytochemicals and further improve their functionality for enhancing health benefits.