A comprehensive chronicle of cranberry’s existing, new and emerging whole-body benefits.
The Cranberry Chronicles are consistently updated with breaking scientific abstracts and news stories, sharable resources and infographics for healthcare professionals, health-minded media, industry partners and science-savvy cranberry enthusiasts.
Cranberry’s Whole Body Benefits
Cranberries Explore the Latest in Human Health Research
New studies show cranberry consumption supports brain and heart health.
Cranberry & Stomach Health for Healthcare Professionals
Natural Cranberry Compounds Can Lower H. pylori Infection Rates
Give Thanks for Cranberries All Year Long
You can enjoy cranberries and reap their whole body benefits throughout the year.
Top Ten Reasons to Love Dried Cranberries
In addition to their tart and tangy taste, there are many reasons to love dried cranberries as part of a healthy diet. Here are 10 reasons!
4 Reasons, 4 Seasons for Cranberries Year-Round
Quick tips, health facts and recipes with different forms of cranberries for every season.
Cranberry Health Research Library
A comprehensive compilation of research on the health benefits of cranberries in the diet.
Cranberries On The Edge
New Investigation Advises Doctors to Recommend Cranberry Products as First Line of Defense Against Repeated Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
New Study Explores Dried Cranberries' Effect on Gut Health
Cranberry Extract Disrupts Harmful Bacteria's Ability to Communicate, Spread and Become Virulent
Information About Added Sugar
Added Sugars Fact Sheet
The International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation's fact sheet, "Making Sense of Sugars; The Role of Sugars and Added Sugars in Food.
How to Talk to Consumers About Added Sugars
The result of an expert dietetic panel hosted by Today's Dietitian and The Cranberry Institute.
Added Sugars...with Added Benefits Handout
Not all foods with added sugars are created equal.
Cranberries In Foodservice
US Cranberries Foodservice
A comprehensive site dedicated to foodservice with recipes, school food service toolkits and more.
The American Urological Association recommends cranberry products as an antibiotic-free way to prevent recurrent UTIs.